1. Parents will need to sign a WALKER/BIKER PERMISSION FORM if they would like for their child to walk or ride their bike home. This form can be filled out during Orientation or can be found in the Main Office.

    2. The student will receive a WALKER PASS to place behind their student ID pouch.

    3. Pass must be worn at all times.

    4. Students with a walker’s pass CANNOT be picked up on the premises of the campus.

  • This bus takes siblings from all of our 3 Campuses and transports them to our Grizzly Campus for a central pick-up location. The bus picks up the High School and the Cub Campus (K-2) students with siblings and drops them off at the Grizzly Campus (3-8).

    1. Parents will need to sign up their High School student(s) to ride the Siblings’ Bus. You can sign-up during Orientation or in the Main Office.

    2. The student will receive a BUS pass to place behind their student ID pouch.

    3. The student ID and BUS pass need to be shown upon entry of the Siblings’ Bus.

    If you are picking up all the siblings at the Grizzly Campus, dismissal will start at 3:10pm. Grizzly Campus Address: 8985 Lone Star Rd Jacksonville FL 32225

  • To pick your student up you will enter through the Fromage Way entrance, pull forward to the second turn and loop around to the main office entrance, then you will continue forward and exit on to Lee Road.

  • If a parent would like for their child to walk home for one day because they are unable to pick them up, or they need to go home with their relative or friend, the parent will need to:

    1. Write a letter/note stating the student name, grade, date, reason, parent name, and signature

    2. Student will need to give the letter/note to the Main Office

    3. Main Office Secretary will write the student a TEMPORARY walker for the date stated on the letter/note only.


    There are no temporary bus passes.

  • Morning and/or Afternoon Extended Day

    Parents can sign up their High School students for Extended Day.

    1. Extended Day will take place at our High School Campus.

    2. The student will receive an EXT DAY pass to place behind their student ID pouch

    3. Extended costs are $46 per month for the AM program and $100 per month for the PM program. The high school does not offer a daily drop in program.

Tardy Policy

  • Tardiness is defined as the physical absence of a student in the classroom at the beginning of a regularly scheduled session at which he or she is scheduled to be present. 

    All students arriving after 8:30 am must be accompanied by parents inside, be signed in on the tardy log, and get a tardy pass in order to enter the classroom.

  • The first three (3) tardy occurrences are documented in the electronic tardy tracking system and serve as a written warning. Consequences begin on the 4th recorded tardy: 

    (4th, 5th, 6th tardy) Phone call home and note sent home

    (7th, 8th, 9th tardy) Lunch detention (30-minutes)

    10 occurrences of tardy to school – Documented meeting with the parent, principal, and dean of students. Possible referral to full service schools. 

    Any other tardies after the 13th occurrence will be reported to a truancy officer. 

  • Examples of acceptable reasons for tardiness are the same as the examples for acceptable reasons for excused absences, such as doctor’s appointment (a note must be provided). 

Alternatives to Parent Pick Up

8363 Oden Ave.
Jacksonville, FL 32216

Club Locations:
(904) 396-4435


Little Kingdom Transportation by Auntie
Phone: 9047357897